I’m totally veering off the beaten path of books to post my blog article, 4 Self-Healing Strategies To Manage Adult Child Estrangement, that was published by Sixty and Me online magazine. My vision is that if you or someone you know is estranged from your adult children that this article will give hope and healing.{ Read More }
Strength in Vulnerability
There IS strength in vulnerability! How do I know this? Because of my upcoming book launch of The Heart Swindler – Reclaim Your Heart and Stop Falling for Liars, Losers, and Lunatics. In the book, I share not one but TWO of my own stories of being a survivor of relationship deception. Notice I didn’t{ Read More }
Life Transition: 4 Keys to Live L.I.F.E. Through Major Life Transitions
Your life is a STORY about the power of life transitions and in this post I’m going to share 4 Keys to Live L.I.F.E. and Harness the Power of Life Transitions. Think for a moment about the very nature of transition. You are always leaving one chapter behind while moving on to the next. Some{ Read More }