
10 Hazardous Excuses For Why You Might Be Allowing Life to Distract, Detour, and Derail You From Getting Your Book Started

Are you allowing these 10 hazardous excuses to Distract, Detour, and Derail You From Getting Your Book Started? This is not a rhetorical question. It requires an answer. An honest answer. According to, “…97% of people who start to write a book never finish it.” Are you the 97% or are you the 3%?

10 Hazardous Excuses For Why You Might Be Allowing Life to Distract, Detour, and Derail You From Getting Your Book Started Read More »

5 Excuses Stopping You From Writing Your Book

5 Excuses That May Be Stopping You From Writing Your Book

During the years I’ve been in business, I’ve found there are 5 Excuses that may be stopping you from writing your book. They may not be earth-shattering excuses, and they probably sound pretty good to your ears when you say them out loud. But…alas…they’re still excuses and excuses don’t get books written. Excuses waste breath

5 Excuses That May Be Stopping You From Writing Your Book Read More »

5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Write and Publish a Book During Their Playing Days

Most of the sports clients who come to me to find out how to write and publish a book have left the game for one reason or another. Many left the game due to one crushing injury that ended their playing days. For some, it was the constant erosion of their bodies, battered and bruised

5 Reasons Why Athletes Should Write and Publish a Book During Their Playing Days Read More »

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